Sunday, April 25, 2010

Congratulations Nu Kids on the Block!

We would like to proudly introduce our Spring 2010 Tau Nu Class!

#85 Mina *epicurious* Park
Big: Rita *copélia* Wu

#86 Ivy *savoie* Lo
Big: Dilys *mod* Fan

#87 Alisa *Tykuri* Sathirabarabongse
Big: Jacqueline *Hanaiko* Tseng

#88 Jasmine *luella* Guansing
Big: Doreen *rampage* Wu

#89 Hillary *Tahari* Hipolito
Big: Rhia *Luxurie* Pumhirun

#90 Christine *Joliesse* Peng
Big: Jennifer *MareTTo* He

#91 Emily *cosmic* Cheng
Big: Syyu *issey* Chen

Also congratulations to:
PE Jessie *Bella* Tsai
PA Grace *Siena* Pak

Congratulations girls! We are all so proud of you. Welcome to SYZterhood. <3

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Speak Charity Dinner

On April 5th, 2010, the sisters of Sigma Psi Zeta hosted a semi-formal charity dinner to raise awareness of domestic violence. The event was named "Speak" because of the ubiquity of domestic violence coupled with the relative lack of domestic violence awareness. We started off the evening with a speaker, L.Y. Marlow, the founder of Saving Promise Campaign, whose voice resonated throughout the room to illustrate her horrifying and touching story with regard to domestic violence. Four generations of women in her family have been domestically abused. After listening to some shocking figures involving the prevalence of this issue, approximately 100 guests were served dinner (made by our very own sisters). While the guests enjoyed the food, several talented musicians (Dale Kim, Daniel Choi, and Sarah Kim) performed relevant pieces on guitar, vocals, and piano. Proceeds from the charity dinner went to Saving Promise Campaign. Hopefully, sisters can repeat this type of event in the future to create an informative and entertaining evening and spread awareness at the same time!

Connie "Aquarelle" Shih